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Três mestrandos holandeses de Engenharia Mecânica obtiveram dupla diplomação

After a year of hard work, Bart van den Akker, Pim Waasdorp and Joran Driesen, Mechanical Engineering students of the University of Twente, defended their MSc theses to obtain two diploma’s: one from the University of Twente (Ir. or MSc Mechanical Engineering), and the second from the Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA) in São José dos Campos (MSc Aeronautical & Mechanical Engineering).



The double degree program is a unique collaboration that started just a year ago after a period of negotiations between the two institutes in which the international officer Jelle Ferwerda, prof. André de Boer, by then program director of Mechanical Engineering, and prof. Kees Venner, in charge of the program, were involved. Initially, two students (Bart and Pim) travelled to Brazil after they had finished their MSc courses in Twente for another series of courses at ITA and a research project to finalize their master. Joran joined the program later, but was already at ITA for his internship.



The students worked in different departments: Bart studied the performance of post-buckling fatigue loaded panels with co-bonded stiffeners under the supervision of prof. Maurício Donadon and Richard Loendersloot as UT co-advisor; Pim studied the behaviour of streaks in the turbulent and shear layer of a panel with a backward facing step, supervised by prof. André Cavalieri and with dr. Leandro de Santana as UT co-advisor; and Joran studied the experimental characterization of a Shape Memory Alloy wire actuator, under supervision of prof. Luiz Góes, dr. Osmar Santos and Richard Loendersloot as UT co-advisor.

Two juries, one meeting the ITA requirements and one those of the UT, with partly overlapping members judged the presentations of the three students and interrogated the students in depth on their research. A test they all passed with ease and confidence.



Although all three students passed the criteria, only Bart van den Akker completed all his courses of both programs and did not have to apply changes to his thesis – it is common practice at ITA, that the final thesis is printed after the exam such that some changes proposed by the committee can be applied. Thanks to his high level of dedication and thorough work, resulting in a well above average knowledge level on the content of his work, Bart received a 9 out of 10 for his work. This, also based on the marks for his courses, gave him the addition “Cum Laude” on his diploma.



Pim and Joran also received high marks for their works, showing that the supervisors and the external members from the jury were very satisfied with the accomplishments of the students.

A great compliment for all three students, that apart from delivering good work, they also showed to integrate well in the group – hence learned a good mouthful of Portuguese and know how to organize a “churrasco” (a Brazilian style barbecue).


Fonte: Universidade de Twente 


Publicado em: 20 de agosto de 2018.